It's Friday, and to some, you may say T.G.I.F as in, Thank God It's Friday, Thank God I'm Favored, or Thank God I'm Forgiven! But God pressed in my heart for the past month to say, Thank God I'm Free, referring to John 8:36. Free from bondage, my past, my failures, my pain, my hurt, my mess-ups, and downfalls. God gives life so much more meaning than all of that! He awakes us each day with new set of mercies. Whew! So thankful for Jesus and growing in this walk and love with Him. Finally had a moment and share this blog about how to be intimate with Him:
Are you feeling tugs at your heart saying let go of this, spend more time with God? Get off your cell phone, facebook, twitter, instagram, social cam, or etc., because those are distractions that are keeping you from spending time with God? Ever sat wondering, God, I see you working through sister or brother so and so, and moving on their behalf, but what about me? God, I want to get to know you even more, tune into the Holy Spirit and allow you to teach, comfort, speak and direct me but I just don't know how? Maybe, even Lord, I know you called me into ministry but I am dealing with fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, or etc? Okay, the list could go on and on...understanding from all of that, is this is where God wants to come in your life and have a relationship with you. He wants to be intimate and desires to help you in every area of your life. He wants to mold you so that you can walk out your purpose with Godly boldness and confidence in Him, alone. He wants to be the only voice you hear over the thousand voices that you allow into your gates. God is patient, and He loves you so dearly and is with you always. Question is, Do you want to be as intimate with God as bad as He wants to be with you? He is so jealous for you!
About a month ago, on the WAYN Gospel Show, I talked about how to be intimate with God. Key things I pointed out were to develop a prayer life, set time aside to read your Word and talk to God daily, and go into worship with God by dancing/listening/singing/playing music that glorifies Jesus Christ. God spoke to me and said, "People talk about me, however, they don't talk directly to ME." At first, I was like huh? But He began to show me that they cry to Him, and say, "Help me Lord", and then go right to their distractions/idols like social media, cell phone, or turn on some music that doesn't pertain to Him at all to find their comfort, validation, and security. Some even find it difficult to die to their flesh and get vulnerable with God. He is waiting for people to welcome Him in so they can truly melt in his peace and fall into His presence to find rest. He truly desires for his Holy Spirit to dwell in you and for you to renew your mind in His Word and do what is pleasing to God. (Romans 12:2).
When you are intimate with God you will:
no point of losing your cool. Walk in spiritual maturity and wisdom and do exactly what God has call you to do. Draw closer to Him (James 4:7). God will heal, restore, prune and strengthen you through it all. He will send people who will love you with the love of the Lord, pray and intercede for you and pushes you towards God, so that you can soar like an eagle. Pay no mind to the people who are "preying" on you. Take this moment to stop saying, I'm going to spend time with God, instead of doing _(insert) and do it. God already knows. He says, "Just Do It" there is nothing to lose and He got you! He's ready, but ARE YOU? What's Stopping You? (in which I will blog about later.)
Surrender and ask God to set a fire in your soul to press into Him. He loves you! Don't give up on Him! His strength is perfect in your weakness, (2 Corinthians 12:9). He makes all things new and old things have passed away! (2 Corinthians 5:17) He forgives you, run to Him! His arms are always wide open. He is your first love (1 John 4:19). His love really makes it worth it all. Be still and know that He is God! (Psalm 46:10) God is not done with you, He is going before you!
Another thing is, "Trusting God Every Step of the Way" in which I will talk about on the WAYN Gospel Show, tomorrow, Saturday, November 17th 12 p.m to 1 p.m.(EST) live on If you are tuning in from your cell phone, be sure to download the app, WINAMP. The Holy Spirit has really been dealing with me in this area, so it's time to press forth and let God have his way!
Have a blessed day! Remember God is amazing and He loves you!
Detroit Gospel Girl
God is so awesome xoxoxo
Are you feeling tugs at your heart saying let go of this, spend more time with God? Get off your cell phone, facebook, twitter, instagram, social cam, or etc., because those are distractions that are keeping you from spending time with God? Ever sat wondering, God, I see you working through sister or brother so and so, and moving on their behalf, but what about me? God, I want to get to know you even more, tune into the Holy Spirit and allow you to teach, comfort, speak and direct me but I just don't know how? Maybe, even Lord, I know you called me into ministry but I am dealing with fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, or etc? Okay, the list could go on and on...understanding from all of that, is this is where God wants to come in your life and have a relationship with you. He wants to be intimate and desires to help you in every area of your life. He wants to mold you so that you can walk out your purpose with Godly boldness and confidence in Him, alone. He wants to be the only voice you hear over the thousand voices that you allow into your gates. God is patient, and He loves you so dearly and is with you always. Question is, Do you want to be as intimate with God as bad as He wants to be with you? He is so jealous for you!
About a month ago, on the WAYN Gospel Show, I talked about how to be intimate with God. Key things I pointed out were to develop a prayer life, set time aside to read your Word and talk to God daily, and go into worship with God by dancing/listening/singing/playing music that glorifies Jesus Christ. God spoke to me and said, "People talk about me, however, they don't talk directly to ME." At first, I was like huh? But He began to show me that they cry to Him, and say, "Help me Lord", and then go right to their distractions/idols like social media, cell phone, or turn on some music that doesn't pertain to Him at all to find their comfort, validation, and security. Some even find it difficult to die to their flesh and get vulnerable with God. He is waiting for people to welcome Him in so they can truly melt in his peace and fall into His presence to find rest. He truly desires for his Holy Spirit to dwell in you and for you to renew your mind in His Word and do what is pleasing to God. (Romans 12:2).
When you are intimate with God you will:
- Understand His love for you. Romans 5:8, Psalm 13:5, Jeremiah 31:3, just to name a few. There's way more!
- Find your worth, identity, and purpose in Him. Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 1:4-5, Psalm 139:1-4
- You will long to seek after Him and seek him wholeheartedly. Jeremiah 29:13, Isaiah 26:9, Phililpians 3:3
- NOT think of God and His church, a "religious" matter, but you will know He is a relational God and you would want to have encounters and experience with God, wherever you are and worship and love on Him ---Monday through Sunday--- for the rest of your life. Psalm 34:8, Psalm 19:1-4, Phillipians 1:11
- Depend on Him and not Man. Psalm 62:7
- It will grieve your spirit to disobey God and continue in sin. Ephesians 4:30
Surrender and ask God to set a fire in your soul to press into Him. He loves you! Don't give up on Him! His strength is perfect in your weakness, (2 Corinthians 12:9). He makes all things new and old things have passed away! (2 Corinthians 5:17) He forgives you, run to Him! His arms are always wide open. He is your first love (1 John 4:19). His love really makes it worth it all. Be still and know that He is God! (Psalm 46:10) God is not done with you, He is going before you!
Another thing is, "Trusting God Every Step of the Way" in which I will talk about on the WAYN Gospel Show, tomorrow, Saturday, November 17th 12 p.m to 1 p.m.(EST) live on If you are tuning in from your cell phone, be sure to download the app, WINAMP. The Holy Spirit has really been dealing with me in this area, so it's time to press forth and let God have his way!
Have a blessed day! Remember God is amazing and He loves you!
Detroit Gospel Girl
God is so awesome xoxoxo
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Host: Sheree Braswell of the WAYN Gospel Show at WAYN Radio. This was the day of WAYN Radio Workshop ( |
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