Photo cred: Hill Media Group |
Hey lovelies! Happy New Year! 

So much has happened since I’ve last blogged on here. I received a grant from Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority to advance my mental health advocacy, did a mental health first aid training for adults at my church, volunteered at Children’s Hospital with the hematology and oncology department, got accepted to Madonna University for my bachelors. Now i am currently working on a self esteem short book for young women. These past 7 months have been a time of pruning, getting closer to the Lord and strategizing. There were definitely some up and down moments but I’m so glad i made it!! Now that i updated you, the Lord really laid on my heart to blog before Valentine’s Day things I’ve learned in my 7 year time of being single. By the way I love how 7 is for completion! Woohoo
! So here it go:
- Timing is everything. I learned that at times I wanted a relationship so badly but God was showing me things about myself and how he wanted to heal me in a lot of areas! Sometimes we can put our demands on God and say RIGHT NOW, God! Not knowing there may be some spirits God wants to deliver us from that could easily destroy your marriage. During the time of the wait, I know God works on our hearts and molds us to be suitable spouses for our future mate. God also loves to build a relationship with us and in our time of waiting, I know by experience He loves to have the alone time with us. The quality time you share with God is priceless.
- Purpose. In these 7 years of singleness, i definitely discovered my purpose and walked in it. I got ordained and became open with my story with my mental health in my blog. I became active in ministry. I really started growing into the woman God created me to be. I strongly suggest you find out your purpose and what you are called to do. I would talk to so many married couples who later divorced and the spouse felt like they didn’t know who they were before they got married. They felt like they lost their identity in marriage and was trying to figure out who they were at the same time. Based on that, I felt like it was important to know who i was in Christ and my identity alone before I yoke up with anyone else.
- Wholeness. I remember when before i dated my ex, i prayed for a broken man.. i don’t know why. I thought maybe God could use me to help build him up. That prayer was a no no for me. That relationship brought forth a lot of brokenness in me and i promised God that i would get whole to the best of my ability and for the next person i decide to get serious with make him whole and secure in Christ and stable. I learned that two whole people coming together are better than two broken people.
- Stop Comparing. Yes, I struggled in this area trying to figure out what was the formula and how can God make it happen for me quickly. I had to realize that God was preparing me and my future mate. I had to learn that just because people were getting married and being in a serious relationship doesn't mean God paired them together. He showed me people run from their single season looking for Him in him or she (if you're a guy) so they settle on anything.
- Don't settle. I've been told I'm picky but if I date you, I'm dating you for a purpose in marriage. I felt like my time was wasted in the past and that was my fault. I had discernment with my exes but I wanted a relationship more than trusting it. After my last relationship, I decided to trust that discernment when I met guys that could have been potential boyfriends within these seven years. I could easily tell if a guy would rather change what's underneath my pants than change my last name. I also have a team of accountability who can read men easily and let me know if they are any good or not. There's safety in wise counsel (Proverbs 11:14). Marriage is work and for a lifetime, I don't want to marry out of convenience or loneliness; I want to marry for love and to build with. The negative emotions you feel about being single will be temporary than the regret of marrying someone you had no business marrying in the first place. Don't settle. Have a standard, God's standards.
- God is not withholding any good thing from me. At first I felt at times God was torturing me. Prophets would come to me and tell me about my mate and I thought soon would mean being with him within a few months. My mentor would always send me the scripture Psalm 84:11 that God withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly. That scripture convicted me because I wanted to make sure my relationship with God was/is in it's proper place by putting Him first and walking according to His will before I receive my blessing. I'm no where near perfect but I strive daily to walk in His perfection and repentance for I fall short of his glory daily.
- Self-love. This where my short self-esteem book for girls comes from. Within these 7 years I grew a love and respect for Sheree. I realized where true confidence needed to come from and that was God, himself. I learned how to accept me flaws and all. I learned how to tell myself I was beautiful and to feel beautiful even when I wasn't told by anyone else, a man especially. I began to know my worth and value and appreciate me. I learned how to find good things about myself and how I wanted to attract someone who loves himself and God and would love me properly and effectively. I wanted to have an inner beauty worth emulating and a confidence that would attract a confident mate. I had to deal with my insecurities. To tell you I completely arrived, I would be lying. But by God's grace, I'm so much better than I have ever been and look forward to even more growth.
Hope this post encouraged you to continue to hold on to God's word and faithfulness, building a true relationship with Him and discovering all that you are created to be while single. You are worth the wait and your waiting is not in vain. Be encouraged! :)
Please Join me at my church God's House of Deliverance Church for our celebration of God's love in the month of February. Every Sunday is a special service at 11am! We will have a Bless the Singles Service on Sunday, February 11th, right before Valentine's Day! Please come and join us!
13836 Puritan Ave
Detroit, Mi 48227
Service time: 11am
Hope to see you there!
Sheree B
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