"LORD, is my waiting in vain?" I asked God this week. For those who don't know I've been single for a very long time...it's going on almost 10 years this year since I've been in a relationship. I just saw a tiktok video that said if you had a relationship before 25, they weren't your boyfriends. They were your childhood friends. LOL! I felt attacked. lol As Valentine's Day approaches tomorrow, and watching weddings, proposals, and exchanging of gifts. I'm reminded of my singleness but I'm also reminded how God is a keeper. I look back at my journey and thank God for helping me to wait it out. I thought of all the times I've obeyed God rather than staying in situations and relationships that didn't benefit me. After all this time and meeting different men has been difficult and very testing and taxing on my emotions and mental health; I'm encouraged to know God will bless me real good. He's writing my love story and it will bring Him Glory and Honor. I thank God in advance for what He is going to do and Him blowing my mind in giving me the desires of my heart. Even though I can't see the full picture...God does! He's seen my tears, heard my prayers and my cries. I will go on and trust Him even when I feel faint and weary. I'm a firm believer He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after him. Hebrew 11:6 Keep me in your prayers y'all! I know I'm worth the wait and it's worth the wait. I will be doing the same for you!
Happy Valentines Day,
xoxo Sheree
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