Happy New Year Loves! I'm sorry that it has been a while since I've last blogged on here about the release of my first NEW book, "All That Glitters Ain't Gold"! I'm so excited that I birthed that baby last year, had a successful book signing and altogether have sold and given away over 100 books! God is so faithful! And I'm currently working on book #2 which I will be discussing my journey with mental illness and been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I will keep you all updated about that release as well! Right now it is tentatively should be released in 2021 but we will see! :) Keep me in your prayers!
So, last year during the beginning of the year I blogged about breaking bad habits and one of the bad habits that I mentioned was my food addiction. I talked about how I was going to exercise and eat healthier. Honestly, I wasn't that consistent in doing that, but it was my goal. With that goal in mind, I was able to get a workout partner and lose almost 20lbs from my highest weight ever from back in 2015 which was 224 lbs on the doctor scale. This year, I put in place a strategy that will help me to lose more weight and to be more consistent with diet and exercise and I included GOD in my plans. I'm currently doing a 30-day weight loss bible study plan, in which I am really renewing my mind about food and having boundaries when it comes to overindulging. I really have been transforming my thinking and getting educated about my hormonal imbalance PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Now, due to educating myself about it, I found that I was doing it all wrong. I was eating wrong and working out wrong which made it a struggle to lose weight, but now I have a plan and it is currently in place. I will keep you posted on my PCOS, weight loss journey and share what worked and didn't work on another blog post. The difference between this year and last year's goals is that I got educated and now I have a plan that so far WORKS for me! So, let me ask you this, what are your goals for 2020? Do you have a plan? Did you write the vision and make it plain? If not, it's time to make it happen!
I want to encourage you with a recap of 2019 of me writing my vision down on a poster board in November 2018 and how it all manifested in 2019. I was so shocked! I meditated on Matthew 6:33, Psalm 37:4 and James 4:2-3.
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Vision board 2019
In 2019, I was believing to get into health and fitness in which I did and almost lost 20lbs from my heaviest weight ever. My curls started to pop because I used AS I AM curl products and my hair grew. I grew in confidence and definitely had a glow up. I found true happiness in Christ. I understood the power I carried like a woman. I traveled to Los Angeles and Orlando, Florida with my favorite cousins, in which Walt Disney World was on my vision board and I went. I received an unexpected lump some of money. I was able to see a dermatologist to help me get ageless skin. I tried something new as far as dating after an 8 year hiatus. I bought a passport. And I published my very first book "All That Glitters Ain't Gold" in which you can purchase on Amazon by clicking on this link here https://www.amazon.com/All-That-Glitters-Aint-Gold/dp/1794446982/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=all+that+glitters+aint+gold&qid=1579241291&sr=8-1
And everything I put on my vision board it manifested. GLORY BE TO GOD!
Pics of my manifestation from 2019
These are just the highlights of my 2019 but for 2020 I'm coming with a vengeance. I'm expecting more and GREATER! 2019 manifestations increased my faith. I can't wait to see what's in store for this year, but I'm resting in the unknown and putting full trust and faith in CHRIST!
So I want to encourage you to speak and write what you want to manifest in 2020 and keep God first and let him manifest that thang ! lol Trust Him with your whole life and plans. He never fails.
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