Hey loves! Sorry, that it's been a while since I've blogged! I've been busy preparing to graduate, yay! :) I actually graduate next Saturday, May 6, 2017 from Schoolcraft College with my Associates Degree in Communications!!!! I'm so excited! I worked very hard and I'm graduating with honors, all glory goes to GOD! But I wanted to share my battles with anxiety and depression that's been a real tough struggle but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)! I want to encourage someone, while encouraging myself. to let them know that they are not alone in this journey and that they can overcome!
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If you read my story about living with a mental illness, I share how I have Bipolar Disorder (manic depressive) but I recently found after almost 9 months of intensive therapy with my therapist that I have anxiety as well. It was actually relieving to know that my constant fears, negative thoughts, worries and anxieties was because I suffer with anxiety and that it is manageable. Recently, I experienced anxiety and depression and felt like I couldn't move forward. All I could do was shed tears and text a friend. There are times because of anxiety and depression, I have missed days of school, wanted to miss church but I always pressed my way and felt like I didn't want to get out of the bed. The things that seemed small to others, I worried about it and I worried about it big time! Then, depression would try to kick in and thoughts would come like "Your family is better off without you" or "You have no purpose" or "No one really cares or love you". But thankfully I am able to recognize that these are the lies of the enemy. Satan is the father of lies and there is no truth in him. He tries to amplify everything and causes you to think the worst of everything constantly by attacking us with anxiety. It is so helpful that my therapist has me write all the negative thoughts, fears, worries and anxious feelings that I have and replace them with the truth. I did this last week and I literally cried about all the different negative thoughts, worries, and fears that I was battling with.
Here's an example:
Negative statement, fears, worries: "I'll never graduate. I'm a failure. I can't possibly get through school."
Positive Statement: "I will graduate! I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens!"
I want you to try this exercise! I want you to list all your negative thoughts, fears and worries and replace them with the truth! I want to encourage to meditate on those truths until you believe them wholeheartedly! I want you to be honest about all of it, even if it makes you feel ashamed or embarrassed. Light has to expose darkness, and the only way you can bring light to the situation is by exposing it and releasing the truth. Need help finding the truth, search through your Bible. The Bible is the truth and is sharper than a two edge sword. It pierces every hidden, secret thing and casts it away and bring forth wholeness and security in Christ. There were times in therapy where I sat and cried because I felt like I could not believe the truth, I had doubt in my heart, I was lacking in my faith but not because I wasn't trying, it was because anxiety was trying to settle a nest in that area. By every therapeutic step, by doing my part at home and the counseling sessions with my therapist we are able to unravel that nest, shaking it up and we're kicking it out. We're pulling down strongholds that has been set in my mind from childhood by talking through it and of course, we are praying about.
Note: I highly recommend professional services from a psychiatrist, and therapist/counselor! I believe God uses medicine to heal his people and He uses doctors and counselors to aid in the healing process. Yes, I give all glory to God and believe He is the ultimate healer and He is a resourceful God!
Did you know that coloring helps alleviate anxiety? Personally, I like the children's coloring books better than I like the adult coloring books. I have one and it is filled with Bible scriptures, it is so cute and cool! I actually preached a sermon about anxiety and gave away a $5 christian adult coloring book that I was able to get from TJ Maxx. :)
Exercise and Diet helps alleviate anxiety and depression as well. Some foods can actually change your moods. I notice when I'm eating a lot of fried foods and sweets that my mood would change easily for the worst. I have to be careful even though I do indulge in them, I'm learning to be more watchful. Exercise release endorphin's to the brain which help makes you happy. You can do Praise Moves : A Christian Alternative to Yoga by Laurette Willis, she has a powerful testimony and used to be a former yoga instructor and if you head to praisemoves.com, she explains very well why Christians shouldn't do yoga and her experiences.
As I'm walking through this process of alleviating anxiety and depression, these are some of the ways that's been helping me improve in mind, body and spirit (it's all connected). I am praying for you in your journey, keep me lifted in your prayers! We're in this together! :)
I get ordained as an elder/evangelist on Father's Day, Sunday, June 18, 2017 at God's House of Deliverance Church 13836 Puritan Ave, Detroit, Mi 48227. You are more than welcome to come! We have a reception following after the service, so if you want to come and plan to stay to eat, email me at shereebraswell@gmail.com so we may accommodate you! Hope to see you there!
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