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Showing posts from 2024

12 Questions to Ask Dating Someone with Bipolar Disorder

Hey Loves, I want to share something that’s very close to my heart. The questions I’m about to discuss are ones I wish I had been asked while dating. It’s crucial to ask many questions while dating, and it’s especially important to discuss mental health if your partner has a diagnosis. Based on my dating experiences, here are some questions you might consider asking, and I hope my future partner will ask me these as well. 12 Questions to Ask When Dating Someone with Bipolar Disorder Are you currently seeking treatment? This includes therapy and medication. Would you be comfortable if I joined you for therapy or doctor appointments? This can help me understand your diagnosis better and support you more effectively. What are the best ways I can support you? Do you have any materials or resources that would help me learn more about bipolar disorder? What do your highs and lows look like? Do you have Bipolar I or Bipolar II? How old were you when you were diagnosed? Can you share your ...

Letting Go of Regret

Photo cred: Transformation Magazine  Hey loves, I wanted to take a moment to blog about something that’s been deeply affecting me lately: letting go of regret. I’ve met many people who shared their regrets with me, and recently, I found myself in that same space. I noticed how regret was stealing my peace, joy, happiness, and overall quality of life. Others saw it too and recently called me out on it. It led to negativity, and to be honest, it was triggering my depression and anxiety. I got caught up in the “shoulda, coulda, wouldas,” and all that did was drag me further down. Over the weekend, I had a moment where I was triggered and felt regret and insecurity, even after posting about my healing. It felt like a cruel taunt: “Are you really healed? Are you sure?” I was left feeling defeated and discouraged. But I’m declaring this week, especially since we’re in a month of new beginnings, as a time to let it all go. I don’t know exactly how it will happen, but day by day, I’m makin...

Breaking Up With What Broke You: How God Redeems and Rewrites Your Story

  Hey loves,  I recently read the book, Break Up With What Broke You: How God Redeems and Rewrites Your Story. I am now climbing out of a season that felt like it was meant to break me. The battlefield of the mind is a real thing and keep me in prayer, it still is a very much a real thing. In this book, she shared about letting go of shame and breaking up with what broke you. I could relate to the author Christian Bevere so much. The book had me feeling so FREE that I still think about parts that I've read. It had me thinking how the enemy loves to silence God's people with shame when Christ died for our shame.  Social media is so wild to me because we have people who shame people all the time. Shame them for their past. Shame them for their mistakes and mishaps. Shame and expose people by using their posts and ridiculing them. People who have callings in God are afraid to step into their purpose and full potential because they feel defined by their past mistakes, failure...

"Bipolar is my diagnosis...not my identity"

  Hey Loves, It's been a while since I've blogged and I want to share that a lot has transpired in over a year from dating to working in the mental health field. It has been filled with ups and downs. I've been heartbroken, lost,  confused, identity crisis and all but I declared over my life that I'm going from mourning to rejoicing and dancing and receiving my beauty for ashes/double portion for my former shame.  I have to constantly remind myself with my mental health diagnosis that there is no shame in having a mental illness, especially when you are reminded that people walked out of your life or made fun of you for having a diagnosis or said cruel things to you concerning it. I know because of that I felt rejected, abandoned and alone and check myself in these areas to really work on  affirming myself daily, reminding myself who I belong to and tell myself I am a Child of the Most High God.  And it just really sat in my spirit after praying with a friend an...