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Showing posts from November, 2021

Cuffing Season: BUT I'm Struggling with Dating/Relationship Anxiety!

  Hey Loves, I want to touch on a topic that's been heavy on my heart and that is ANXIETY, especially dating and relationship anxiety. Anxiety is something I've struggled with for a very long time but I'm learning how to overcome. I have my good and bad days.  From social anxiety, to actually having panic attacks in the past and now noticing that myself and so many others struggles with dating/relationship anxiety. I believe I first started experiencing anxiety in middle school but mainly in high school with social anxiety. Then when I was diagnosed with mental illness at 16 years old, I felt the anxiety increase even the more because that's the age usually when you can start dating and get your parents "ok" to start having a relationship. I wore shame because of the illness so heavy. I couldn't explain what I was experiencing when it came to my symptoms. The fear-based thoughts, always thinking of the worst that can possibly happen, and learning how to gr...